Brainstorm Writing Process: Steps & Examples


Before writing a research paper, planning and pre-writing is effective in organizing thoughts and ideas to make sure you include relevant information in the paper. It is good if you do the prewriting before writing the research paper. After you know what your desired content is, you need to find out how you will structure and put it into words. You will not necessarily be using all the ideas in your research but it will provide you with a roadmap while writing your research essay. 


After you have gathered the ideas, you have to find out the main idea or theme. Even though you might be in a hurry while writing, it is imperative to go through all the steps of brainstorming so you can have enough ideas and a lot of supporting points.



Brainstorming can help in five possible ways:


Outside Input

Brainstorming helps the essay writer to suggest ideas. It can be daunting to find new ideas as an individual who is closest to the problem at hand. Including other individuals in the conversation to figure out the new methods of doing things makes people less familiar with the problem to talk about it openly as they brainstorm it. Not all the ideas are great, however, not all ideas are bad too.


Establishing the Idea

Every idea which comes up does not necessarily need to stand on its own. It is essential to state the ideas and if the idea does not sound perfect it might help another idea. It might help another idea to link with something else. Idea building consists of idea sharing, which gives rise to a new chain of thoughts by triggering new ideas. Therefore, one should not get discouraged because not sharing ideas might limit the chances of success of an idea.


Breaking Routine Activities

Another significant advantage of the brainstorming session is that it helps get out of routine tasks. It is possible that no significant issues are being solved with the way things need to operate. A brainstorming session can prove to be fruitful in a project because it helps reveal the weaknesses you never knew in the first place.


Make a List

Each session is supposed to have at least one person who can write down all the thoughts so that no idea is looked over. The best part of going through a brainstorming session is to specify the list of ideas which can be taken away and help in the future while writing the research paper.


I used to brainstorm before I would write my essay too. Therefore, I know that when students are worried the list of ideas can help them a lot. Not all the ideas generated might seem applicable while writing the research paper, but a list of ideas can prove to be beneficial to think more creatively before the paper is due.



Lastly, brainstorming sessions create an atmosphere of team building. The brainstorming sessions can only be made possible with the help of people. Inviting a co-worker into a brainstorming session helps you build a strong team and opens up the communication channel to ask for help from other people too.


In case you are stuck on a thought or simply need new thoughts, get into conversations with friends and colleagues to generate new ideas. Basically it will make you think more about the theme you are talking about. In case it's conceivable, set a timetable of meetings to generate new ideas and pivot who is driving it. This way everybody gets an opportunity to have everybody think imaginatively with them about arrangements. The advantages not just influence the individual the meeting is encompassing, however each and every individual who is taking part by meeting up collectively and considering new ideas.


There are three prime advantages of brainstorming in research. First being that critical thinking which helps in solving the problems. Brainstorming sessions can help you walk out of your brain and get ideas from your peers and examine as well as consider the ideas of other people. Lastly, brainstorming is the collaborative experience and not a single individual can claim the ownership of an idea in a brainstorming session. Hence it is a complete team effort.      


Brainstorming has proven itself to be the most effective way for the idea generation and to identify the solutions. Brainstorming promotes ongoing and op-en collaboration. It allows people to think freely. It also helps build a consensus by joint team efforts and uncover the hidden solutions and conclusions for the research. It helps to translate the research ideas to the world by asking team members to provide their input into the existing body of knowledge. Brainstorming also promotes team efforts. The refined ideas are developed eventually contributing to quality research. It encourages the researchers to thi8nk out of the box by building the ideas and drawing the conclusions to identify the right kind of solution and remedies. 


In conclusion, the prime benefits of brainstorming include the ability to unlock the hidden potential of human brains. It is the most effective way to generate the ideas and help building the team by incorporating different minds in the research process. However, if you are struggling then an essay writing service can help you in this regard.  The advantages of brainstorming in the field of research are many and it is highly recommended to use this technique while crafting your research paper.